Introduce Disaster Prevention System using IoT/3D Technology
We provide disaster prevention systems that utilize the latest IoT technology to collect information and provide notifications in the event of a disaster. The system collects data in real time, analyzes the accumulated data, and enables effective visualization in 3D. The system supports comprehensive disaster prevention measures such as disaster risk identification, evacuation support, and risk management.
Examples of correspondence
- 01. Management system for stockpiled supplies
- 02. Outdoor monitoring system
- 03. Indoor monitoring system
Disaster Prevention
Digital Platform construction
To achieve information sharing and rapid response in the event of a disaster, the system integrates and analyzes various types of data and grasps the situation in real time to support appropriate instructions and rescue operations. We build a platform for seamless communication among disaster management agencies and related parties.
Examples of correspondence
- 01. Platform development
- 02. Data Warehouse Construction
- 03. Use of BI tools/AI analysis
Platform Data
Application Development
We provide web systems and smartphone application development utilizing platform data. By linking with disaster prevention platforms to monitor, analyze, and notify data, we can predict disaster risk, determine the extent of damage, and optimize evacuation assistance.
Examples of correspondence
- 01. Timeline system for municipalities
- 02. Disaster Information Application for Citizens
- 03.Development of services to utilize data across public and private sectors
Solution Case Studies

RFID is used to improve the efficiency of management tasks such as checking the arrival and departure of stockpiled disaster supplies and their expiration dates. An environment that enables the prompt and efficient provision of stockpiled supplies is realized.
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Development of "3D K-Field", a real-time site management system that displays the position and operational status of materials and equipment at construction sites, as well as the position and vital information of people, in real time and in three dimensions.
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Elementary school students have beacons and a gateway is placed near the school gate. The system sends an e-mail from the beacon log to the guardians notifying them of the arrival and departure from school. The system enables the safety of the children to be checked from a remote location.
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Digital platform to enhance data linkage in the disaster management field
Digital platform to enhance data linkage in the disaster management field
Based on the "Priority Plan for the Realization of a Digital Society" (revised in June 2022), the Cabinet Office is developing and studying platforms for data collaboration in the disaster prevention field.
In accordance with the "Priority Plan for the Realization of a Digital Society" (revised in June 2022), the Cabinet Office is developing and studying platforms for data linkage in the disaster prevention field.
The WG Team for Disaster Prevention and Mitigation and National Land Stewardship has issued a proposal (May 25, 2021) for the realization of a new era. Real-time information sharing (safety, infrastructure information, etc.)
Establishment of ultimate digital administrative capabilities (digital transfer and hybridization of administrative agencies, etc.)
Social implementation team>
Development and evolution of Japanese EEI (design and accumulation of information necessary for disaster response)
Development of guidelines for personal information handling by local governments, etc.
AsiaQuest will provide various DX solutions related to disaster prevention that utilize technologies such as IoT and AI.